JMR Software

Digital Signature

Safe, swift, secure digital signatures. The pace of technological change and a constant drive for digital transformation across all sectors is speeding up the adoption of digital signatures. As part of digital transformation, companies from most sectors, including healthcare, public administration, banking, insurance, as well as procurement, HR, and sales divisions within businesses across all sectors, have turned to digital signatures to facilitate document approvals.

In these highly competitive industries, staying agile and offering the best customer experience is needed to set the groundwork for beating the competition. The digital customer demands that services be available anywhere and anytime at the click of a button, which has been one of the main drivers for digital transformation.

Digital signatures assist companies across all sectors on their digital transformation journey by allowing them to sign documents anywhere and anytime. It means they can streamline workflows when multiple signatures are required as well as automate the signing of multiple documents, and finally, identify the signatories and protect the information contained in a document.

A digital signature application can even be applied to support your customers’ procurement processes, whereby the document is not only sent to the approver for signature but could trigger off the whole payment process once approved. Using outdated paper-based processes in a digital world leaves you out of step with the times – and the competition.

eeziSign significantly reduces the time, cost, and risk of getting business documents authorised; whether for internal processes, partner, supplier or customer-facing documentation. Gone are the days when obtaining signatures from third parties or multiple signers was a complicated process, you can now get your documents signed off in seconds. 

Benefits of Digital Signatures

Traditional paperwork has been replaced by digitized processes, and digital signatures are the key in fixing the last mile disconnect in an end-to-end digital process. eeziSign is a digital signature solution developed by JMR Software that guarantees you stay abreast of the latest technological developments, ensuring you remain relevant while creating an exceptional customer experience. Businesses receive a wealth of benefits to moving from traditional paperwork to a paperless solution.

Using digital signature solutions makes it possible for businesses of all sizes to improve the speed and efficiency of their business transactions. With reduced turnaround times and no paper-based processes to manage, sales and operation teams can focus on their respective core goals – getting in more customers and revenue and keeping the day-to-day operations smooth.

Digitally signed documents enable you to track all sent documents, monitor who signed them, when they were sent, and assess who hasn’t signed them. Being able to track your documents within the shortest time possible and the ability to send automatic reminders to all the recipients who have delayed the process to sign any document has definite advantages in speeding up the procedure. Status tracking also helps to identify which stage the document is at, keeping information flow transparent. This means businesses have more control and fewer delays ensuring more efficient workflows.

Digital signature technology can get documents processed faster, allowing clients to sign documents from anywhere, anytime and from their preferred device. Customers can easily access the signed documents whenever needed, making documentation less burdensome and the overall experience far more positive.

Digital signatures ensure that businesses save time, with documents and contracts signed off with a click of a button. This is particularly efficient when the signatories are based in different geographically areas. Documents can be signed on a tablet, phone, or computer, which means the business spends less money on paper, pens, administrative staff salaries, servers, postal and courier services.

When it comes to signatures, authenticity and security is a priority. Security features incorporated into digital signatures reduce the risk of duplication or alteration of the document itself, ensuring that signatures are verified, authentic and legitimate. Signers are provided with PINs, password and codes that can authenticate and verify their identity and approve their signatures.

Time stamping provides the date and time of the signature and thus enables tracking of the document, minimising any risk of tampering or fraud. The use of audit trails and digital encryption reduce the risks of documents being altered, intercepted, or even destroyed. The audit trail can serve as a certificate and as legal evidence in a court of law. There is one master version of the document and the creator of that document can track any subsequent changes and who made those changes.

JMR Software’s eeziSign solution can enhance your competitive edge and maximises your chance of success!